A Unique Wedding Dinner

The 19th of May 2012 might have been an ordinary day for the rest of the world, but for newly wedded couple, An Chyi and Herng Huei, it was their wedding night.

Special thanks to An Chyi and Herng Huei for the pictures!

Performing specially for the newly wedded couple

Even though I am frequently engaged to perform for wedding dinners, every single one of them leaves a warm, fuzzy feeling in me. I should also mention that this wedding dinner had a special theme: Alice in Wonderland. Therefore, to add that magical touch to the wedding, I was engaged to perform for the guests and to fill the atmosphere with amazement.

Performing for the couple’s VIP table

Close Up Magic

There were several tables that preferred me to perform in Mandarin. And thankfully for my team and I, we are all effectively bilingual. This is also a common challenge to most wedding performers as the audience demographics are diverse and the performers need to be strong and flexible in terms of performance material.

The moment of amazement captured in a picture

I was also pleasantly surprised to meet my friend, Bernice and her fiance! Even though Bernice had seen me perform my magic on several occasions, she was delighted to have me perform at her table.

It is always a good feeling to know that you added that touch of magic to a couple’s special night, and I am also very happy to share some positive feedback from the lovely couple:

“Dear Alexander,

Thank you for your wonderful performance on our big day. We received great feedback from our guests – they loved you! 🙂

Thank you once again Alexander!

Best Wishes,

An Chyi and Herng Huei

From Taiwan”

Brings me great joy to know that I was a part of their unforgettable celebration!

So if you are planning a wedding and would like to add that special touch of magic to your wedding night, do drop us an email at info@metaillusions.com or give us a call (9745973). We’ll be more than happy to discuss such possibilities and work with you every step of the way!

Signing off

Alexander Yuen

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