Tag Archives: good feedback for magic

Another positive feedback for my magic show!

Two weeks ago, I was engaged to do a show for the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS). The show was held in NUS Guild House and it was a wonderful performing experience as I entertained the guest during the cocktail reception as well as the dinner.

A picture request from a guest

The truth is, the performance was only half the experience. I enjoyed working with Maggie who is the Secretariat of the CEO, in advising the best kind of magic entertainment, the best timing for the entertainment and the pros and cons for certain placements.

I am really happy that the client and the audiences enjoyed the performance and most importantly, enjoyed working with me. In fact, I am really pleased to share a feedback by the client:

Everyone enjoyed your show! The Magician who supported SERIS on 30th March 2012 at NUS Guild house brought additional colours to the group of SERIS crowds. He exercises professionalism in his work, flexible in the timing and provides supportive suggestions during the show. On behalf of SERIS, we would like to thank Alexander YUEN for his professional support!”

– Maggie Keng, Secretariat of the CEO, SERIS.

So awesome! This literally brighten up my day! =D

To find out more about having magic in your next event, check us out at: http://www.metaillusions.com/our-services/

Or you can drop me an email directly at:


Signing off,

Alexander Yuen