Tag Archives: Guest magician

Singapore Street Magic Festival 2009

Did you see the Straits Times on Friday? Well, if you had, you might have seen a colourful advertisment for the Singapore Flyer which looks something like this….

The magic event at Singapore Flyer!

Yup, yup, that is me up there! Actually this snap shot is only about one-fifth of the whole advert, there are other fantastic deals on the Singapore Flyer for the family! There are packages for familys, student promotions and a lot more! So be sure to check them out.

For more information on the Flyer, you can check their website here.

And more more information about the magic events happening at the Flyer, check this out.

Great! Pretty excited about the whole event actually. Sure, there will be fellow magicians and hobbist there too! Can’t wait to see some of my good friends in magic as well. Also, even though you may have seen me performing the kids shows as Marco the Adventurer, but I am really really passionate about close up magic! Even though I do not perform close up magic as Marco, I perform close up magic as myself, Alexander, because I think close up magic should be an closer extension of yourself.

Close up magic is the kind of magic that one would associate with David Blaine, Criss Angel and of cos, Cyril! This kind of magic entails high impact, up front magic. Not the usual magician with the box or rabbits kind of magic, which garners a different occassion as well as a different feel. This is not to say that close up magic is raw, in fact, I don’t think it was suppose to be that way. A lot of young magicians and new magicians I see who does close up magic to their friends often try to imitate David Blaine. And what they do is simply showing off how good they are. And that is not the point in close up magic, in fact, any aspects of magic. You are to share with your audience your magic. Not share with your audience how good you can do the moves. Well, a more in dept discussion for another time, or another medium. ; )

Alrighty! See you at the event of the year this December at the Singapore Flyer!

Signing off,

Alexander ; )