Tag Archives: winner magic competition

Yay! I got the 1st Runner up for Legerdemain 2010!

Yup, as the title claims, I did win the 2nd prize. It was awesome. An awesome experience. I sincerely thank all my friends who were came down to support me, thank you all!

Because what I did for the competition was not published in any magic books nor in any DVDs, the one question I got the most after the act was “How did you think of an act like this?”

The answer lies in…. The Japan Cup.

The competition I took part in the Japan Cup really did give me a boost and motivation to create something that is out of the norm. The effects that I did in the Japan cup included Coin production, vanishes, enlargement of coins and a coin transposition type effect. After the competition, the judges told me one thing… It broke my heart. They said, “Your act is TOO average. It is now 2010, not 1970s, if this was 1970s, you might have won something, but now, I don’t think so”.

It was quite a shock to hear such reality hit you. But it was good cos it spurred me to do something different from the norm, different from what was available for other magicians. Something that I can truly call my own. For that, I am grateful to the judges in the Japan Cup.

Nuff said! Here are some pictures that I liked. Enjoy!

Alrighty! Thats for now.

Special thanks for my friends, Johnson, Audrey, Justin, ZhiYang, Joel, Kien, Pamela, Huron and Eileen who came down to support. Thanks guys!

Signing off,

Alexander ; )